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JA 0700 Japanese for Beginners I

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JA 0700 Japanese for Beginners I
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:17:26 PM »
1.There is no Japanese Characters in the exams. (Hiragana,Katakana and Kanji)
2.This course teaches you only Romaaji characters.(Karaoke syllable)
3.You do not need to buy the real textbook,Japanese for Busy People 1.It is because it is too expensive.Also,sensei (teacher) will provide you the handouts and grammar note.That book is just only the reference one for those who have an afford to buy and to study more (same thing in sub text book 1).Do not worry.If you attend the class regularly,choose the best lecturer,pay attention,participate and study hard,you will be confirmed that at least neither you can pass nor get an "A" grade for sure.
4.Someone said  this course is very easy to get "A" grade.Actually,it is not that easy.It is moderate because the grammar points in Japanese are very difficult.Therefore,you must think carefully before selecting this course as a free elective course.
5.Moreover, all JAxxxx courses evaluate the grade by standard,A = 85%.
6.This course is available for Non-Arts Japanese Major (e.g. BBA,Arts Eng, Comm.Arts...etc....)
7.To get "A" grade in this course,you need to gain the score about ... MID = 230/300   FINAL = 530/600  Quiz = 50/60 Attendance 40/40 .Also,try not to miss any classes.
8.If you still love this course,there is another course for you to study more.It is JA 0701 Japanese for Beginners II.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 08:47:00 PM by PCLB »