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Albert Laurence School of Communication Arts

Academic Advising 1/2009

Announcement for Students Albert Laurence School of Communication Arts

Registration Process 1/2009

1. Meet your advisor. (See the Non-Major / Major Advising 1/2009 process.)

2. Pre-registration online (See the university process.)

3. Registration Day on October 10th, 2009.

– Schedule for Registration Day [file accessible on September 1st, 2009]

4. Payment (See the university process)

5. Failure to follow the process, students must wait until the adding period in order to register the desired courses. Please note that the seat availability cannot be guaranteed. Also, students must pay for the late registration fee.

6. Adding process within the first two weeks of the semester.
– Fill out the petition form. (One subject/one petition)
– Get your advisor?s signature to allow you to choose the course.

– Attend the first class of the course.
– Get lecturer?s signature to allow you to attend the course. (If seats are available and there is no examination time conflict).
– Submit your petition at the Registrar?s Office.

Non-Major Advising 1/2009

1. Non-major students must check the advisor-advisee list. [file accessible on August 11th, 2009]

2. Contact your advisor, make an appointment, and attend advising sessions within August 26, 2009.

3. Check your advising results. [file accessible on September 1st, 2009]

Major Advising 1/2009

Advising for registration of major students. — Only for those students who already claimed their major (AD, NM, PC, PR), and not applicable for students who are planning to declare their major this semester (1/2009) —

Advertising Department

New Media Communication Department
Performance Communication Department
Public Relations Department

Major Selection 1/2009

Non-major students who wish to declare their major in Advertising, New Media Communication, Performance Communication, or Public Relations. [Readmore]

Major Change 1/2009

Students who are currently majoring in Advertising, New Media Communication, Performance Communication, or Public Relations and wish to change their major. [Readmore]

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