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Presidential Candidate’s profile TEAM 1
Vision :
“To be the bridge which connects within and outside the university, and be the power of negotiation”
Policy :
1. Coordinating the problems between student and university pass through the process of student right.
2. Supporting all activity units in facilities, activities and management.
3. Promoting the important information for students through all communication channels.
4. Motivating and encouraging all student to participate in activities on campus.
5. Building up the good relationship with other universities student organization in order to learn and interchange university.
Presidential Candidate’s profile TEAM 1
1st Vice Presidential Candidate’s profile TEAM 1
Presidential Candidate’s profile TEAM 2
Vision :
“We are going to use our experience in Student Organization to support our friend in the university to keep our right and assist all activity units to run their work effectively and having a unity among university students ”
Policy :
1. To make student search university message by acting as amiddle man and spokesperson.
2. To improve and enhance student’s quality of life in the university.
3. To encourage and support all activities from both activity units and non-activity units.
4. To broaden AU educational repulation to the public.
Presidential Candidate’s profile TEAM 2
1st Vice Presidential Candidate’s profile TEAM 2
what a gimmick !
have you ever? jajajajaja
Assumption University Student Organization Election
We are Team Number 2.
Give us a chance to use our experience to support YOU and Our university to keep our rights alive.
"With 3 Years Experience in Student Organization, We will Move2Gether"
Thank a lot Krub :D
Vote for Us on http://www.e-election.au.edu
Follow us @ http://www.facebook/move2gether